Entlebuch, salašnický pes, štěňata, chovatelská stanice, z Lesní zahrady, Barnie, Aisha, Stoklasa, Stoklasová, Stoklasovi

Treibball Race in Schwaig, 16.7.2023

In mid-July, we went together with two Moravian teams to another German race, this time to Schwaig near Nürnberg. The day before the race it was 36 degrees of Celsius, so the room where it wasn't hot, the possibility to park the car in the shade and walk with the dogs right outside the hotel were priceless. The evening before the race we attended a pleasant dinner with the organizers of the event. It was another opportunity to discuss the rules and concept of treibball in both countries as well as future European activities in this sport.

Fortunately, the overnight and morning thunderstorms led to a cool down and it was cloudy most of the time when the race took place, so the weather was pleasant for both dogs and handlers. As in all races under the new German rules, numbered balls were used, and the pyramid was this time followed in the second run by a rather difficult SHED variant set of balls.
Barnie raced in the Tb 2 class. If the wind blows for a while at the races, it's always when Barnie is running. So even here the wind complicated her first run and she hit the gate harder. Otherwise, she showed a balanced, admirable performance for the 13 and a half years old dog and she convincingly and deservedly won in her class. She received excellent rating for her performance.

Aisha started in the Tb 3 class. After an excellent first run, she unfortunately made a mistake in the second run, which moved her to the 6th place in a strong competition. However, the points obtained were enough to rate the execution as excellent. Aisha pushed the ball with the wrong number, which was only seen from the goal when it went off the line of balls, so Milan reacted late, and the ball went into the goal. In Germany, girls with their height just above 40 cm belong to the MEDIUM category, where they have a shorter track than here, which, when you compare their size with the dogs in the picture, is fair, and it was also advantageous considering the start after recovery, but by fast dogs you have less time to stop them. So we have to practice stopping with the ball a little more. But the biggest victory for us was that Aisha ran both runs after recovery without any problems or consequences.
Our other teams took third and fourth places in the Tb3 class, so the Czech team was overall very successful. The venue was pleasant, the race was organized very well and in the clubhouse of the local kennel club, in addition to an excellent lunch, there was a varied offer of other goodies throughout the day, so we enjoyed the races in all respects and a big thank you goes to the organizers and judge.

Photos and videos: Milan Stoklasa, Bohdana Stoklasová
© Stoklasovi, 2012